Tom Villa
Nathalie Adler is on a mission for the EU in Sicily. She organizes the next visit of Macron and Merkel to a migrant camp. Their presence has a high symbolic value to show that everything is under control. But who still wants to believe in this European family on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Probably not Albert, Nathalie's son, an NGO activist who arrives without warning. He, moreover, no longer believes in his mother.
Director: Lionel Baier
Actors: Isabelle Carré, Théodore Pellerin, Ursina Lardi, Ivan Georgiev, Tom Villa
They call her "Munch": Gabrielle Munchowski, a lawyer unlike any other. She runs a law firm with her friend and associate, Hubert Bellanger. Munch and her team take on tough cases, defending the innocent and marginal against all odds. Bold and irreverent, she will cross any line - even if it means bending the law. She will stop at nothing to defend her clients. Intuitive, yet strong-willed and pragmatic in the face of administrative and judiciary absurdity, she inspires her unconventional team and faithful followers. Everyone has something to learn from Munch.
Actors: Isabelle Nanty, Lucien Jean-Baptiste, Aurélien Wiik, Tom Villa, Paloma Coquant
For the occasion, the 57-year-old host will open a “comic court” which will deal with cases ranging from neighborhood conflict to romantic betrayal, including scams or family crises.
Actors: Julien Santini, Antonia de Rendinger, Camille Lavabre, Tarik Raifak, Tom Villa
Shy French cop Charlie Holmes is the great-granddaughter of the great English detective Sherlock Holmes. She uses her hereditary deductive brilliance to solve crimes with the aid of Samy Vatel, her Dr. Watson substitute.
Actors: Lola Dewaere, Tom Villa, Daniel Prévost, Thomas Jouannet, Alika Del Sol
For this new year, Pierre, the director of the Grand Restaurant is thinking big to try to get the famous star from the famous Michalon guide! And for that, he settles at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Pierre faces an unscrupulous culinary critic, who will offer him a dubious deal: to dismiss his historic chef in exchange for this famous star. Will the manager of the Grand Restaurant accept?
Director: Pierre Palmade
Actors: Pierre Palmade, Alexandre Astier, Lionnel Astier, Frédérique Bel, Bénabar
Pour sa soirée de clôture, le Montreux Comedy Festival veut détendre son réseau d'amis en offrant le show le plus connecté de son histoire : smartphone, assistant digital, réseaux sociaux, gadgets geek et autres applications insolites sont au coeur du dispositif de ce gala 2.0. Avec Arnaud Tsamere comme capitaine, jamais un spectacle n'aura été aussi branché. A l'occasion de ce moment exceptionnel, l'humoriste a invité de nombreux artistes à venir le rejoindre sur scène.
Director: Charles Hudon
Actors: François-Xavier Demaison, Anne Roumanoff, Éric Carrière, Francis Ginibre, Olivier de Benoist
Après cinq mois de tournée dans plus de trente écoles, le Campus Comedy Tour se pose à Paris, à la Cigale, pour le dernier tour de son élection de l'étudiant le plus drôle de France. Au programme, les cinq jeunes ayant recueilli le plus de votes se succèdent sur scène, avec également des humoristes plus reconnus comme Tom Villa, Rachid Badouri ou encore Bérengère Krief.
Actors: Tom Villa, Rachid Badouri, Bérengère Krief, Maxime Gasteuil, Alex Vizorek
Pour le gala de clôture de l'édition 2016 du Montreux Comedy Festival, Mathieu Madenian propose un programme exceptionnel, avec Thomas VDB, Jarry, Constance, Marie Reno, Alex Vizorek, Tom Villa, Éric Antoine, Shirley Souagnon, Noman Hosni, Pierre Croce, Kevin Razy et Oldelaf.
Director: Emmanuel Carriau
Actors: Tom Villa, Kevin Razy, Shirley Souagnon, Constance Pittard, Marie Reno
The three "Unknown" are back in this movie where they wake up in a world where they really are unknown! They'll eventually find out that their career, films, sketches & songs do exist but from someone else!
Director: Nicolas Hourès
Actors: Didier Bourdon, Bernard Campan, Pascal Légitimus, Élie Semoun, Pascal Elbé
Two villages in the south of France have always been bitter rivals, but when a group of asylum seekers arrive in the community, the life of both villages is shaken up and age-old disagreements escalate. Their antagonism reaches its peak with the annual rugby derby played between the two village teams, but this time, with the new outsiders joining as unexpected recruits, the result of the 100th match will be more unpredictable than ever.
Director: Philippe Guillard
Actors: Olivier Marchal, Olivia Bonamy, Philippe Duquesne, Mathieu Madénian, Lucie Fagedet
The new year's celebration will be the only hope to save Arnaud's bankrupt nightclub.
Director: Gaël Leforestier
Actors: Arnaud Ducret, Tom Villa, Isabelle Nanty, Michèle Bernier, Pierre Arditi