Denis Brogniart
Isolated on an uninhabited island, with precarious equipment, candidates must manage to find food on their own, make a fire and build a shelter. Divided into teams, they first participate in events for the benefit of their team. After reunification, they participate in individual events. The game is also punctuated by advice, during which candidates are eliminated. The final takes place when only 4 to 5 candidates remain in the running; it consists of two events: the orienteering race and the pole event. The two finalists then appear before a jury - made up of candidates who held out until reunification - which designates the winner.
Like an indelible memory, this Olympic closing ceremony will be marked by audacity, fraternity and emotion. In the heart of the Stade de France, athletes from all over the world will represent their countries one last time in an incredible moment of celebration and sharing. With their eyes riveted to the flame, the emotion will be immense as we close the great Olympic book of Paris 2024.
Director: Simon Staffurth
Actors: Arthur Cadre, Thomas Bach, Ezra Koenig, Thomas Mars, Deck d'Arcy
Family challenge-adventure gameshow set in an apocalyptic world filled with zombies which takes place in a set as big as 14 football fields. In each episode, five celebrities undertake a series of impressive challenges. When night falls, the doors of District Z open and the game begins: before the sun rises, the candidates must overcome numerous physical and mental challenges while facing creatures controlled by the mysterious Professor Z, in order to reach treasure kept in a secret vault. However, the stakes are high: if the candidates don’t finish the game in time, the doors will close on them forever.
Actors: Denis Brogniart, Anne et Sophie Cordin, Arthur, Guillaume Geoffroy
Chaque semaine, des hommes et des femmes ordinaires vont tenter de devenir extraordinaires en se confrontant à un parcours d'obstacles réputé infranchissable. En sept ans, aux Etats-Unis, seuls deux concurrents en sont venus à bout. Au Japon, où le programme est diffusé depuis plus de 18 ans, seuls quatre, dont deux fois le même. L'émission se déroule en extérieur, dans le cadre du vieux port de Cannes, sur un plateau de 7000 mètres carrés, parsemés de 33 obstacles vertigineux et d'un parcours de plus en plus difficile. Rapidité, force physique, endurance et détermination seront indispensables pour réussir à traverser un pont suspendu à double palier ou escalader à mains nues un mur lisse de plus de quatre mètres. Des célébrités et des anonymes participeront à cette émission où ils devront affronter plusieurs épreuves. Le gagnant recevra 100 000 euros.
Actors: Christophe Beaugrand, Iris Mittenaere, Denis Brogniart